How Not to Drop the Ball

You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration. It’s a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that don’t allow your cork to float or don’t allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are.—Abraham, Excerpted from: Silver Spring, MD on April 19, 1997

I realize that I’ve been working pretty hard lately at juggling a few things. I don’t want to drop any of the balls I’ve got in the air, and right now there are a few. Last first-year college move into the dorm. 90th birthday gathering. Heavy work schedule. It’s all good stuff, and I’m pretty on top of things–if I do say so myself.

Then why do I seem to be floundering a bit? A little unsettled? Needing more naps? I thought I’ve got things pretty well managed, after all. Well…there’s my problem. I’ve been managing the upcoming outcomes instead of enjoying the process along the way.


I seem to have forgotten that I don’t have to orchestrate and direct my life. I’ve slipped back into making my feeling-good state be something to earn, a reward for after having worked hard–instead of simply remembering that joy is my natural state, now.

I want to get back on my glide. To do that, I remember what Abraham says in the quote I shared above. I stop working toward the joy, and realize I already am it. The rest are just the physical details of life.

When I give more attention to those details than to how I want to feel, I’m holding thoughts that bring me down. Because I’m looking at the situation. To maintain altitude, I need to simply look at only awesomeness. Feel my joy. That’s not ignorance–that’s choosing bliss.

The details are still there, but now they’ve transformed. And so have we.


2 Comments on “How Not to Drop the Ball”

  1. I love how you said, ” Feel my joy. This is not ignorance it is choosing bliss.” PROFOUND GINA!!!! Thank you for writing and sharing the wisdom. ❤️ truly transformative!


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