Your Hidden Symmetry

Your Hidden SymmetryI received this book from Hay House in exchange for my honest opinion of it.

I have anticipated Your Hidden Symmetry: How Your Birth Date Reveals the Plan for Your Life by Jean Haner, ever since I read and loved her other two books: The Wisdom of Your Face and The Wisdom of Your Child’s FaceIf you have read either of those, you will very much enjoy her newest publication.  If this is your first foray into her insight, fear not–this wisdom tool is completely different from her others!  If you are at all interested in learning more about who you are and how/why your life unfolds the way it does, go get this book now.

Jean uses Chinese Nine Star Ki to show readers how to find their three “shorthand numbers” that define one’s true nature.  Using these, an individual is able to understand personality patterns and see the greater plan of their life journey.  She clarifies that this is not numerology–I feel if you have also explored numerology then you will definitely want to add this book to your library.

My hidden symmetry numbers are 5.9.1.  The first number represents the overall personality, or who I came here to be on this journey.  The second number describes the emotional self, particularly helpful with understanding the feelings and actions I turn to under stress.  The third number relates to how one does their work in the world, also insightful about my recurring challenges and ultimate purpose.  Deeper explanations are shared in the book, in an easy-to-discern format.  It is laid out so that the reader can easily jump around and find the passages of interest, at all points along the way.

This book is another great tool for use in learning more about my unique self and how to reach my fullest potential.  Affirmations from Louise Hay correlating to the numbers specifically remind me that I am cosmically sustained and loved, that I am enough just as I am.  If you are even remotely interested in such topics of personal insight, growth, and support you will be glad to experience this book!

Hay HouseAmazonBarnes & NobleChapters Indigo

2 Comments on “Your Hidden Symmetry”

  1. Oh, absolutely! I am incredibly honored, Jean–and I hope it’s helpful to others. I have had many Aha! moments along the way as I read all three of your books, and I am so grateful to you for sharing your gifts. I am finally taking a deep breath and contacting you for a private consultation, and I very much look forward to visiting with you! (I encourage everyone to visit your website at


  2. Hi Gina,

    Jean Haner here – I just wanted to thank you for such a lovely blog post about my new book. Would it be all right with you if I shared the link on my Facebook fan page?

    Thanks again and lots of love – Jean


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