Choose the choice parts

unicorn choice cuts

Just for today, give the best parts of what is happening significantly more of your attention.

No matter what is happening.

No matter what others around you are giving their attention to.

By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts that feel the very best, you are managing your own vibration, which means you are controlling your own point of attraction — which means you are creating your own reality. It’s such a wonderful thing to realize that you can create your own reality without sticking your nose in everybody else’s, and that the less attention you give to everybody else’s reality, the purer your vibration is going to be — and the more you are going to be pleased with what comes to you.


A driver cuts me off and weaves around in traffic? I can give them all the distance needed, I’m relaxed for time. My spouse is watching a TV show that grates on me? I love that we get to be here together. Locals say it’s unseasonably cold during my first-ever February Arizona getaway? This Minnesotan is obliviously enjoying morning coffee outside in the sunshine.

What are your choice parts, today?

4 Comments on “Choose the choice parts”

    • I continually rediscover that, myself. I got to practice it again just yesterday–I found myself immersed in only seeing the fear (how did I get here?!?), and got to choose again to work through it. ❤ It's an ongoing practice!

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