

There’s no panicking in enlightenment, angst is optional, and joy is the answer — to everything.

Hello, and welcome to the online home of gina drellack. I am a personal growth enthusiast! Teacher, coach, writer, and speaker. Intuitive, Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher, and Tarot reader. I continually experience positive life-changing Ahas and Holy Wows; I share so that you can transform, too!

On this site you will find inspiration and self-empowerment in everyday holy wonders. Engage, explore, and share your story. And if you’d like the ease and joy to come straight to your email inbox, simply sign up at the right to subscribe to the weekly wisdom. (We never share your email.)

Ease. Joy. Transformation.

Let’s glide!

~ gina

Mary Oliver awesomeness

One must work with creative powers -- for not to work with is to work against. Mary Oliver

I rediscovered some old notes of mine, quotes and poem snippets of Mary Oliver. Directly meaningful to my days yet, here are a few to share.

Enjoy. Absorb.

Things are holy first

and useful second.

I simply do not distinguish between work and play.

I believe in kindness.

Also in mischief.

And then there’s this nugget. I encourage you to also to unveil your own version:

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Bending time

So much to do, how will we ever get to it all? There’s not enough time in the minutes, the seconds, the hours, the days… So much to do, so little time.

Since we get what we say, I ‘m changing my language. Starting now, I scrap everything above, and go foward in this:

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Work/life balance

Ahhh, the elusive goal. Attaining balance with our work and our play. It occurs to me now that although my challenge is to play more, it may be another’s struggle to play less. (Mind. Blown.) Either way, balance is a good thing.

Except… It’s elusive. It’s also a moving target. Because life is in constant motion, so our circumstances are always changing. That fulcrum point always shifts in response to our beautiful, non-stagnant lives.

Recently I learned of another way to consider this life wellness approach, and it really resonates with me:

work/life harmony

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Such as it is

I learned something about myself recently. I don’t particularly enjoy sewing.

The thing is, I really used to get great joy out of it. So you can imagine my confusion and surprise.

Where in our lives do we continue with our “shoulds?” Where do we carry on as always, as if we have not grown from and beyond? Maybe it’s realizing that the only thing we actually have in common with that longtime friend is… fourth grade. Perhaps rather than continuing to garden, frequenting the farmers’ market sounds like a welcome relief. Or it might look like the moments of solitude we craved now just feel empty.

Realizing something we used to enjoy no longer gives us pleasure, we find ourselves in a moment of loss. In an interesting place of things are not what we thought, anymore. Is it a moment? Is it a mountain?

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Pardon me, do you have the time?

It’s never too early to dream.

It’s never too late to start.

The key is to begin. Now.

How does this change your day?

Now look what you’ve started! (Good for you!)

Me, too. When we meet on the road we will recognize each other, and wave.