Hold Yourself Dearly

Reading Tama Kieves’ writing physically hit me in the chest and knocked my spirit into alignment: Hold yourself dearly.  Here are some excerpts:

 Hold yourself dearly.  No one has walked in your shoes but you.  Hold yourself dearly.  This is a practice, a prayer, an amulet and a portal.  

…know the gospel of [your] own brilliant nature.

…know that even if life wasn’t going the way [you] thought [you] wanted it to go, this [is] a really cool moment in a really cool life, because all of life is really cool when you stop judging your circumstances and start loving your own spirit.

Hold yourself dearly. Hold all of it dearly. Breathe deeper…just breathe deeper, and drink in the love that is always here for you.

As I move into a New Year, I remember to speak in terms of I am–thank you, Dr. Wayne Dyer!.  And thank you, Tama Kieves, for also sharing your brilliant nature.

I am enough.
I love my own spirit.
I am grace.
I hold myself dearly.

For Ms. Kieves’ full writing piece, please visit http://www.tamakieves.com/all-i-want-for-christmashanukkah-is-me-a-practice-to-calm-and-claim-yourself/.  And sign up for her awesome free newsletter–it’s something I’ve stumbled across and it’s made a difference.  Happy New Year.

photo from FMU Photo

photo from FMU Photo @ WordPress


4 Comments on “Hold Yourself Dearly”

  1. That’s brilliant sentiment and affirmation 🙂 Total self love and self acceptance cannot be over stated as a means of healing and enjoying happiness and contentment!

    Thanks for sharing 🙂



  2. Pingback: Things I love Tuesday! « jennymorbeymakes

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